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insightful author | engaging speaker | renowned executive educator

Tamara “Tammy” J. Erickson is a McKinsey Award-winning author and a widely-respected authority on new approaches to leadership, the changing workforce, collaboration and innovation, and the nature of work in intelligent organizations. The transformative leadership program Erickson designed and has been directing at the London Business School for almost a decade consistently receives high praise from corporate-level participants. Her approaches are practical, actionable, and her delivery, infused with lively humor and discussion.

Based on her unique background – in-depth counseling with senior leaders and boards around the world, membership on multiple major Boards, a decade of extraordinary corporate-funded research to explore engagement, innovation, collaboration and the changing workforce – Erickson has isolated the principles required to build this century’s organizations and identified the specific actions great leaders take to shape compelling environments.

For more than 30 years, McKinsey award-winning author, executive educator and leadership advisor Tammy Erickson has been working with senior leaders around the world to build iconic companies infused with new ideas and passionate engaged individuals, leveraging collaboration, and attracting and retaining today’s a changing workforce.


One of the world’s most respected authorities on the dynamics of a changing workforce, Erickson emphasizes that the command and control mentality of managing machines will not work in a future where two main differentiators will distinguish iconic companies from old school competitors: the ability to mobilize information and the ability to successfully collaborate and innovate. She offers leaders pragmatic, research-driven strategies for managing employees in a rapidly changing environment, and her practical tools for keeping organizations resilient, innovative and agile are indispensable to leaders and teams as they march toward an unpredictable post-pandemic future.

The author of five books that cover a range of topics from leadership, collaboration and innovation to organizational behavior, retirement and the intergenerational workforce, Erickson’s work is particularly relevant to leaders looking for ways to optimize productivity in the hybrid workspace. Whether advising, teaching, speaking or conducting workshops, her delivery style is light and humorous, even when challenging basic assumptions about how companies manage their people. While sharing her evidence-based strategies and insights, she peppers in fascinating stories that illustrate what is possible.

Tamara J. Erickson
“It’s a myth to think that leaders should be a stabilizing force,” explains Erickson. “Great leaders are a destabilizing force. They’re the people who ask the tough questions, who make sure you’re thinking about ideas on the edge, who open the windows and let the fresh air in. That’s a great leader.”

An experienced executive and global advisor, Erickson has also served on the Board of Directors of two Fortune 500 corporations, where she served on Governance, Audit, and Compensation Committees and as the Lead Independent Director.

Erickson holds a BA degree from the University of Chicago and an MBA from the Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration, where she was the recipient of the James Thomas Chirurg Fellowship.

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