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Selected articles by McKinsey Award-winning author, Tamara “Tammy” J. Erickson, a widely-respected authority on new approaches to leadership:


“Gen Y in the Workforce” (Case Study)

Harvard Business Review
February 2009


“Unconventional Wisdom in a Downturn: ‘Give Me the Ball!’ is the Wrong Call in a Downturn”

Harvard Business Review
November 2008


“Redesigning Your Organization for the Future of Work”

People & Strategy: Journal of the Human Resource Planning Society
Volume 31, Issue 4


“Breakthrough Ideas for 2008: Task, Not Time”

Harvard Business Review
February 2008


“Eight Ways to Build Collaborative Teams”

(Co-authored with Lynda Gratton)
Harvard Business Review
November 2007


“Bridging Faultlines In Diverse Teams”

(Co-authored with Lynda Gratton and Andreas Voigt)
MIT Sloan Management Review
Summer 2007


“What It Means to Work Here”

(Co-authored with Lynda Gratton)
Harvard Business Review
March 2007


“Managing Middlescence”

(Co-authored with Robert Morison and Ken Dychtwald)
Harvard Business Review
March 2006


“It’s Time to Retire Retirement”

(Co-authored with Ken Dychtwald and Robert Morison)
Winner of the 2004 McKinsey Award
Harvard Business Review
March 2004


in the news

“Caught between Ys and Boomers”

by Richard Donkin Business Books
December 2009


“Enterprise 2.0: Corporations Start Collaborating”

by Thomas ClaburnInformationWeek, Global CIO
November 3, 2009

“Generation Gaps: What is Eating Gen X”

Edited by Patricia O'Connell
Bloomberg Businessweek
August 14, 2008

“Plan Now For Boomer Retirement”

by Tara Weiss
February 28, 2008

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